I've always been quite a mover. I hate the packing up all my stuff-part, and the moving all my stuff-part, and the unpacking all my stuff trying to make my new house a new home-part. I seriously hate it. But I love the feeling of starting over. The feeling of fresh air. The feeling I get in a new place, where I can be whoever I want to be. I mean... I'll still be myself, just in a different way. The funny part is, no matter how hard I try to be someone, I always end up being myself. And I don't care. The problem is, that the person I am, doesn't seem to want to stay somewhere for a long time. I'm never really in it for the future. My previous relationships are proof enough, but also the moving around-part is convincing. Consider this: I'm 22 years old, and I've lived in 26 different houses. That's a whole hell of a lot more than most grown-ups have. I'm like a travelling circus freakshow. If I get bored, I just move somewhere else.
OK, so maybe we moved around a bit when I was a kid. And I just never really stopped. Maybe this is the reason why I hate all kinds of clutter and chaos so badly. I know that sooner or later, I'll have to re-pack and re-load everything, to move on to another place. Today is December 9th. Most people I know already have started thinking about buying a Christmas tree, and decorating their houses for the holidays. Me on the other hand… I kind of enjoy seeing the rainbow bright lights in the shops, and I kind of admire the trees and the lights and the Christmas Carols downtown. But I still don't want my house to look like Santa's freaking village! I don't need my living room to look like Santa threw up in there. I don't need the baby Jesus and the Elfs and stockings on the fireplace. I just need the peace. A clean and tidy house is Serenity to me. Nothing keeps me more relaxed than knowing that I can come home and be surrounded by peace, quiet and a tidy environment.
Anyway. I'm sort of on the edge of moving again. This time a bit further south, but still, probably not home enough. I'm getting used to it, though. Leaving one place after another, trying to make a home for myself. I can't wait! Two very close friends of mine already live there, in Kristiansand (Norway), and they've said they'll welcome me with open arms. But something just doesn't seem permanent about it. For one, my plan is to go to medical school. And I just can't do it there. But Bergen is somehow fascinating to me. So Kristiansand is just a step closer, further away, sort of. I don't know. Living out of a suitcase, I'm basicly packed and ready to go. And there is something else in Bergen that sort of drags me there, I'm just not ready to tell the world yet. Time will show. :)
Either way, I'm still a bit rootless. Whatever that means. But hopefully, I'll have somewhere to call my home in not too long. Hope. That's what keeps me going.
26hus. Du er gal...
Ånei,du er ikke et skritt nærmere Bergen. (bergen er off) Men du er ett skritt nærmere Stavanger. Woho :P
Hehe.. Jeg er bergenser med talefeil, vet du. :p
I avstand er det nok ikke særlig nærmere Bergen. Men sånn mentalt føles det nærmere, av en eller annen grunn. :p Kan være det er den selvstendigheten som følger med der. ;)
Men.. Stavanger ja.. Det blir ikke SÅ langt unna.. ;)
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